"Reebopper" Shoe


As part of Reebok's "I Am What I Am Campaign", this Reebok Reebopper attempts to cash in on 80s mania and that edgy sensibility the artist was known for. Scott Kobayashi - whose cool new blog Kobayashi5.com is on my daily hitlist - is of the mind that Reebok flubbed because these days, a sneaker's street cred is derived from the street/graffiti scene - not from chi chi fine art. True, the man's dead which always helps matters when it comes to cultural appropriation & success in the marketplace, but I agree with Scott that having a "living legend" from the graffiti scene - such as Zephyr or Doze Green - would have made more sense. RBKCustom.com via Kobayashi5.com

- Lesley Scott

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